DigitalAnalyst version 5.1
GNSS location display
Version 5 introduces support for Smart Tacho (Generation 2 tachographs). VU data from the older Generation 1 tachographs and Smart Tachos can now be imported and analysed. Smart Tacho data also introduced a new GNSS (GPS) positioning system to show the location of the vehicle at the start and end of a work period and also after every three hours of accumulated driving by any driver. This data can be shown on a Google Map by right-clicking on anything within a Daily Activity record item in the left data pane and choosing the View Location option
Please note that only Smart Tacho data contains the GNSS location data. Older Generation 1 digital tachographs do not contain this type of data so location data will not be available. Since a GNSS location is only recorded after three hours of accumulated driving by a driver whose card is inserted into the drivers card slot, the position data is unlikely to useful to many investigations.
Speed blocks
Version 5.1 introduces two new features. Both are designed to affect the Analyst view only.
Digital tachograph speed data is downloaded from the VU in one minute long blocks. The regulations require that once the vehicle is considered to be moving, a speed block must be recorded. Each speed block is 60 seconds long.
Different manufacturers of tachographs have interpreted this requirement in slightly different ways. Some, such as Continental, start the recorded data at the first second of the minute in which driving starts. Others, for example Stoneridge, record data at the second where driving is assumed to start. This means that Stoneridge tachographs in particular have a number of speed blocks which start at a few kilometres per hour.
DigitalAnalyst has always displayed a zero speed in the absence of a speed block. This was to emulate the look of the traditional paper tachograph discs. Since acceleration data is not recorded by a digital tachograph, the acceleration trace is derived from the speed trace. This means that at the start of a speed block, where the initial speed is not zero, a sudden acceleration spike will be generated. Version 5.1 of DigitalAnalyst detects and removes these spikes producing an acceleration trace which only shows the actual accelerations.
In addition to removing these spurious acceleration spikes, there is now an option to only display the speed trace where there is a speed block. This option can be activated by checking the Actual Speed box in the Analysis tab.
Time offset
This will eliminate the display of all the apparent zero speeds (and corresponding accelerations) where there is no speed data in the VU download. This produces an intermittent trace as shown
No two internal tachograph clocks are likely to be recording exactly the same time. In multi-vehicle collisions this time difference can show that the same event occurred at different times which can be complicated to explain.
To assist with this type of analysis, version 5.1 allows you to offset the time displayed on an Analysis chart using a new Time Offset control on the
Analysis tab
In reality the difference between tachograph clocks is likely to be in the order of a few seconds. This is particularly so with Smart Tachos which are required to synchronise their internal clocks with the GNSS signal. However DigitalAnalyst allows you to offset the time by up to 7200 seconds (two hours) either positive or negative.
In the image below the time has been offset by -4200 seconds
The start of the recording now appears to start at 22:50 and runs through until 22:49:59 seconds instead of the usual unadjusted 00:00 to 23:59:59. To highlight that the time on a graph has been offset, the offset value is displayed on the label for the time axis.
If a time offset is set and the view saved for future reference, the offset for that particular saved view is also saved with the file.
Note that any time offset only affects the display on the Analysis view. It down not affect any other record such as the daily activity records, or calibration date/timesDigital tachographs only record times to a resolution of one second. How an appropriate time offset is calculated is for the user to determine. One method may be to record the time a download starts using an external time, such as from the wristwatch of the investigator. Once the download is complete that time can be compared with the recorded download time. If multiple vehicles are involved, then clearly the same timepiece should be used.

DigitalAnalyst assists the user in the analysis of data from EU approved digital tachographs. In particular it allows the user to analyse the 1Hz detailed speed data stored within the vehicle unit or the 4Hz data sored in Siemens units to find speeds, changes in speed, distances and acceleration. Once analysed, the information can be used in the reconstruction of collisions or for route tracing.
Key Features
Checks data integrity of downloaded files
Displays a summary of the downloaded data and digital signatures.
Shows details of the calibration history, K, W, L etc.
User adjustable W factor (useful for forensic calibration)
Displays recorded events and faults
Detailed speed chart (24 hours, 1 hour and 1 minute views)
Analysis of detailed speed data (1Hz and Siemens 4Hz data)
Separate speed and acceleration charts on analysis page
Show vehicle activity timeline (mode chart)
Export CSV data between cursors
Detailed Speed Analysis
Analyse the detailed speed data graph to find the speed at any particular second. Use the multiple cursors to find average speed, distance, change in speed and acceleration.
For collision investigation and route tracing purposes where the vehicle has been calibrated, W can be adjusted to correct the speeds and distances. Siemens 4Hz data can also be imported into the main 1Hz data file and analysed in the same way.
Click on a thumbnail for a larger image
Vehicle Timeline
A mode line showing which activity is set in the vehicle unit and listing any faults, events together with driver card insertions/removals.
Daily totals for Driving, Availability, Other Work and rest/break recorded in the vehicle unit are also listed.
Note that this data is that derived directly from the VU download file. DigitalAnalyst does not read driver card data or perform drivers’ hours analyses.
Click on a thumbnail for a larger image
A series of views are generated by DigitalAnalyst all of which are replicated when printed.
Click on a thumbnail for a larger image
Detailed Analysis
Events and Faults
Data Summary
Speed 1 Hour
Speed 24 Hours
More information
For more information about DigitalAnalyst or any of our products please Contact AiTS.
If you are already a licensed user of DigitalAnalyst, you can download the latest version from our Downloads page. A Demo version of DigitalAnalyst is also available from the Downloads page.
Full Version
Update to the latest full version of DigitalAnalyst from here. This can be safely installed over your existing installation.
Demo Version
Install the demo version of DigitalAnalyst from here. Please note that the installation file is password protected. To install use the password ‘genesis’ (all lower-case and without the quote marks). IMPORTANT: Please note that the demonstration version of DigitalAnalyst alters the actual W value of any data you download and substitutes a value of between 80 and 120% of the real value. As a result the speeds shown on the analysis graph will not be accurate and must not be used.
On this page you can view frequently asked question about AiTS Software and associated components.
If you have a problem with AiTS Software that isn’t answered below do please contact us and ask.
We’ll do what we can to assist.
Why do I need Licence Manager
Licence Manager controls your use of AiTS programs. All your licence information is stored on a hardware key dongle. This means you can easily install the software on a number of different computers and simply move the dongle between computers to use the software.
Alternatively you can use the dongle over a network and operate the software concurrently from a number of different computers, depending on the number of products you have purchased. Licence manager uses encrypted information stored in the dongle, to determine when your licence expires, what programs you are permitted to run and how many copies of a program you may run concurrently.
In network use, Licence Manager maintains a list of all active users. This list is updated as users open and close licensed programs. Once a licensed program has obtained a lease from Licence Manager to run a program, it is maintained until the program is closed by the user. This enables a ‘first come first served’ use of the programs over a network. All this occurs behind the scenes and normally requires no action by the user.
What are the components of Licence Manager
Licence Manager is a stand alone program, which controls the licensing of all AiTS software products. Associated with Licence Manager are a number of drivers which assist in communicating with the supplied dongle. All the licensing information is stored on the dongle which must be inserted in order to use the licensed programs.
Can I run AiTS Software products over a network
Yes! Each application program can be installed on as many computers as you want. Licence Manager is installed along with these programs and can easily be configured to use a central Licence Manager installation. This means you need only update one computer when your licence expires. For further information on network installation, do please download the appropriate Manual and read the appropriate section.
How do I activate AiTS products
When you first use a protected program, it detects that it has not been activated. The program then offers to launch Licence Manager. You should accept this offer and once the Licence Manager dialog is displayed, click on the Update button. This shows you a dialog which contains a code and also a space to enter another code. Contact AiTS as per the instructions in the dialog and we will supply you with an activation code. Enter the supplied code in the space provided and click Ok. You licence will then be updated and you will be able to use the software
Tachograph - Forensic calibration and digital route tracing
Tachographs are calibrated instruments, the data from which can be analysed to establish speed, distance and acceleration for collision investigation and route tracing purposes. This course looks at the various methods used to calibrate the vehicle for the day of the collision and how to use the information to retrace the route taken by a vehicle.
What you will study
Calibration methods and techniques for vehicles that can be driven and for those that have been seriously damaged. Route tracing using the data from digital tachographs.
Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements.
Pre-course study
Study method
Classroom based with practical inputs.
What you will need
All equipment will be provided.
Teaching and assessment
Your course tutors will help you with your studies during the course. They will mark and comment on your coursework.
Whats the qualification
Successful candidates will be awarded an IMI certificate.
How to register
The course runs twice a year at our South Cerney training centre. Alternatively it can be run in your workplace for up to 12 people.
To book contact www.aitsuk.com
UK - Ireland - rest of the world
Website: www.aitsuk.com
Rotterdamseweg 212B, 3135PX Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)638198172
Email: info@eudarts.com
Website: www.eudarts-group.com
The purchase price for software We offer discounts on the purchase of multiple copies. Please contact us for further details.
All prices exclude VAT and local taxes where applicable
€ 1.200,00 euro
Digital Analyst
Tachograph analysis software for collision investigators.
€ 400,00
Digital Analyst (per copy per annum)
Annual license fees An annual license fee is charged on all software products. This fee covers telephone and emails technical support for the program such as installation issues, fixes etc. All program updates including major and interim releases via our downloads page. The annual license fee commences on the first anniversary of purchase. There are no discounts on annual license fees.
Technical requirements
Digital Analyst requires Windows 8.1 or 10 (32 or 64 bit) RelMo requires Windows 8.1 or 10 (32 or 64 bit) with an i5 or faster processor with at least 8Gb of RAM. For 3 Point Cloud editing the RAM requirements are 16Gb (32Gb recommended), solid state hard drive with a high-end gaming card for graphics display.
AiTS software is protected by an internet activated license. You can move your software from one computer to another by deactivating on the old computer and reactivating on the new computer. There is no limit to the number of times you can do this. Please note that your computer must be connected to the internet to activate the software, move the license between computers.
EUDARTS will be supplied on receipt of payment in Euro's We accept order numbers from Government organizations for payment on invoice.